Okay! So I am going to be headed off to college soon, and because it is my goal to achieve a BA in Media eventually, I know I am going to need to buy myself some equipment.
I have always wanted a tripod for filming, and so I saved up some money, and will my Media teacher's recommendation. I bought myself my first ever tripod! Ahhh I'm so happy you don't even know!!
A tripod will allow me to have more steady and concrete looking shots. My shots will look more professional and be easier to edit as I won't have to take into account human motion/error while holding the camera.
Here is the link to the tripod I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005KP473Q/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Also! I ended up also buying an attachment for my cell phone as it is the only device I have with me to film. In college I will have access to better filming equipment at Indiana University. But for now, my iPhone will do and I have shot all my other films in high school with my phone, so it'll be no different than before.
Link to the attachment: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EYFV6FY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is a major step up from my filming quality from my last year's project "Red Room" where I was literally using books and chairs to act as a stabilizing structure for my phone. You have no clue how many times the structure would fall or fail... it's PTST.
BUT NOW! I have equipment that will make my projects/products look better, plus I feel more like a professional and why not boost my ego and make me more confident π.
Now moving into props. Here are some of the major props we will be incorporating into our film. 99% of the props used are things Taylor, Megan and I already had, but we did have to buy some things:
-Art for walls (add cute high school room ascetic)
-Messy Desk
-Himalayan Salt Lamp
-Cute Backpack
-Different trendy high school outfits (we will be working with Megan on the costume design aspect to create a more organic high school feel)
-Cell Phone
-Artificial Tears
-Placebo Pills (this was a hard one to find)
When it came to finding fake pills it was not easy. You see, even though our actress Megan won't be consuming the pills when we take shots of her taking them (we'll have her just act like she is swallowing them), she is a vegan, thus I needed to find Vegan fake pills.
Many fake pills were made with gelatin, which meant there were vegetation but not vegan, but after countless hours of research (I'm serious it took me forever to find the right shape and type) I found the correct fake placebo pill. The bottle says vegetarian, but the ingredient list specifies that it is vegan.
I learned from this process that your film is nothing without a happy and well supplied actor, and so we made it work!
Here is the link to the pills I found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017GUH42I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Whelp, that is all I have for you now.
Next week I will be posting about how and what we are doing for our different trailers and also... WE BEGIN FILMING!!! WOOHOO!
Bye bye,
-Asher πππ¦
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