Monday, March 28, 2016

Finished Filming / The Editing Process

     Hey! How you doing? Well that's so nice of you to ask, I'm doing really swell, and you know why... I finished the last shots for my film opening today!!!!!

     I honestly needed just a couple more seconds of footage in order to complete my project and sum up my film opening, and I was successfully able to accomplish this during my media studies class period by asking a friend I thought was dressed appropriately (he was wearing black and red how awesome was my luck seriously) and I though he could play out the finishing scene perfectly.

     Here was my actor, Sebastian Rios, that would actually become my films main protagonist after the film opening would conclude for he would portray the film continuing from the point of view of the average viewer of the person who goes onto these Red Rooms and surfs the dark web with high hopes of discovering disturbing materials.

(Sebastian Rios)

     Now that I have been editing my film opening trying to create a cohesive piece, I am finding that I am running into a what many would consider a positive problem, that I overshot and have a lot of content to pick and chose from while cutting and pasting my piece together. It is just taking me a lot of effort to go through all the content I filmed over and over again trying to figure out what shot of a scene should go where or if it shouldn't altogether. This is a minor problem, however, I am happy to deal with it because I'd 100% rather have overshot a project and have a vast amount of info to search through instead of having too little footage that would force me to re-shoot my project again and would be a much greater obstacle to deal with.

     I am currently editing my movie over the iMovie program on my computer, and it seems to be working out just fine, for I can adjust sound effects, color, and pretty much anything you could think of with complete ease.

     One more thing that I am having a little trouble with is determining how I want my film title to be portrayed... more to come on that in my next posting defiantly.

     That is all I have for today!

See you mañana!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Asher. I’m delighted with your idea! It’s very creative and original. Because I've never heard about this topic, I’m really excited about your film!

    You’ve been doing such a nice job with your blog. I can feel your passion and excitement through all your posts. While I was reading it, I felt that I was completing this project with you since you are so explicit in your content. I love that you add images and videos to almost every post because that gives a clearer idea of what you’re writing.

    I’m impressed that you finished filming, woot woot for you, Ash!

    Only one thing that I need to mention is that you have to remember to cite all your sources so you prevent future copyright problems.

    I hope that you finish everything as you expect. Keep it going!
